Rocky Mountain Llama and Alpaca Association
About RMLA Memberships
RMLA Membership Benefits include:
- A directory listing on the RMLA website, including a standard profile page for your farm or ranch (this feature is turned off for Youth Members for privacy reasons)
- The ability to check out items from the RMLA Lending Library
- Discounted advertising rates for The RMLA Journal (View full-color sample)
- Access to the RMLA Journal archive
- Access to members-only articles and posts
- Up to 2 Votes (for adult memberships only)
- The opportunity to purchase a Featured Listing on the RMLA website
- Receive timely e-mail messages about events, activities, governmental issues, and camelid medical news
- Volunteer opportunities in your areas of interest in our organization
You may join RMLA any time during the year. Adult Memberships will automatically renew every year. Lifetime, Youth, and Honorary Memberships do not renew.
Your personal log-in allows you to access Members-Only content where you can manage your account settings and enjoy all your RMLA benefits!
RMLA Membership Types:
Adult Membership – Annual $40.00 per year (two adults)
Adult Membership – Lifetime $500.00
You will receive all the above benefits plus special recognition on your profile page. In appreciation for your generous support, you will receive four consecutive ¼ page ads in the RMLA Journal.
Youth Membership (18 years and under) – Annual $25.00 per year
This program supports our youth. $15.00 of youth dues goes towards youth awards. Refer to the Youth tab on the website menu to learn more about the Youth Awards Program.
Youth benefits do not include a directory listing or profile page, secondary names on the account, or voting rights.
“Our membership includes long-time and new lama owners, veterinarians who are knowledgeable in the treatment of lamas, and people just interested in these awesome animals!”