RMLA Fiber Committee
Welcome to the llama and alpaca fiber education information center. These pages are sponsored by the RMLA Fiber Committee.
The goal of the Committee is to educate anyone and everyone about the characteristics and uses of llama and alpaca fiber. The RMLA Fiber Committee is chaired by Kathy Stanko. Committee participants are those RMLA members who have expressed an interest in any and all things fiber.
There are approximately 30 participants; each with a unique approach to fiber and what they do with it. At this point (July 2018) we have begun getting to know one another through e-mail sharing.
All ideas, activities, pursuits of the committee will originate with a committee participant. Kathy Stanko will direct the ‘fiber orchestra’. If you would like to become a committee participant, please contact Kathy at rmlafiber@gmail.com. Everyone is welcome regardless of your experience level. We are all here to learn.
Check these pages often as we will be adding new information as we can. If you have something that you think is appropriate for this committee, please send an email to Kathy.