RMLA Committees and Contact Information

Committee Chairs are the strength of the organization. The RMLA Board appreciates those members who choose to serve as Committee Chairs. Chairs select members to serve on their committees.

Board Liaison – At the beginning of each new term, the Board selects Liaisons to each Committee to help the Chair succeed in the Committee’s work. The Liaison is the connection between the Committee and the Board.

Committee Chairperson(s) BOD Liaison
Bookstore – Accounting Marilyn Arnold Jessie Kaehn
Bylaws Lougene Baird  Nancy Wilson
Education, Events & Marketing Mary Wickman Judy Glaser
Fiber Nancy Wilson Courtney Chalmers
Finance Marilyn Arnold Judy Glaser
Journal Kathy Stanko Courtney Chalmers
Library Sandy Lockwood Jessie Kaehn
Membership Sandy Schilling Julie Hall
Nominations and Elections Christina Abel Judy Glaser
Pack open Courtney Chalmers
Research Ron Baird Courtney Chalmers
Youth, 4-H, FFA Heather Rohlwing Jessie Kaehn
Facebook Sandy Schilling Julie Hall
E-blasts Nancy Wilson Julie Hall
Website – Content Kathy Stanko Julie Hall
Website – Membership Sandy Schilling Julie Hall
Bookstore – Distribution Karen Miller Jessie Kaehn
History Lougene Baird Judy Glaser

It is rewarding and fun to be a part of an RMLA Committee, whether it is Pack, Fiber or Youth. Committees are what make RMLA function.

Want to join RMLA?

RMLA is open to and welcomes all people interested in becoming members.

Want to join RMLA?

RMLA is open to and welcomes all people interested in becoming members.