Table of Contents:
- RMLA Board Letter, Winter 2015 by RMLA Board
- A Sculptor Among Us by Ron Hinds
- He's Driving Me... by Tom Hudgin
- Libby's Birthday Party by Libby Condon
- What are Scent Glands? by Kate Huebner, CSU Vet
- What are the Mechanics of Chewing by Kate Huebner, CSU Vet
- How Long after Castration... by Robert Callan, DVM, CSU
- Vitamin D Supplements by Robert Callan, DVM, CSU
- 2015 Youth Award Program Winners by Marshal Rutledge
- The Face of a Hero by Linda Hayes and Kathy Stanko
- Planning for your Lamas' Future by Kathy Stanko
- Does labeling Define Your Perspective? by Marty McGee Bennet
- Llama Magic by Susi Hülsmeyer-Sinay
- Why Not Mentor? by Mary Vavrina
- Oral Dosing Made Easy by Al Ellis
- 2015 Camelid Jamboree by Sheila Fugina and Barb Baker