Table of Contents:
- 2019 Llama Camp by Geri Rutledge
- Board Letter, 2018, Fall by RMLA Board
- Using Alpaca & Llama Fiber for Insulation by Linda Hayes
- Blue Gree Algae by CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Deworming Recommendations by CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Vaccinating by CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Distress calls by CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Embryo transfer by CSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Entering an ALSA fleece & finished work class by Judy Glaser
- Wait, you want to do what? by Marty McGee Bennett
- Intermountain Weavers Conference 2019 by Nancy Wilson
- Fairplay 2019 by RMLA staff
- Be Prepared - Presume Nothing by Susan Unser
- Llamas Spread Love for sick & recovering kids in Montana by Susi Hülsmeyer-Sinay
- Saving the Rest, Part 2 by Lynda Liptak
- Summer Trip offers leadership development for RMLA Youth member by Morgan Barba