Table of Contents:

  • RMLA Board Letter, Winter 2015 by RMLA Board
  • A Sculptor Among Us by Ron Hinds
  • He's Driving Me... by Tom Hudgin
  • Libby's Birthday Party by Libby Condon
  • What are Scent Glands? by Kate Huebner, CSU Vet
  • What are the Mechanics of Chewing by Kate Huebner, CSU Vet
  • How Long after Castration... by Robert Callan, DVM, CSU
  • Vitamin D Supplements by Robert Callan, DVM, CSU
  • 2015 Youth Award Program Winners by Marshal Rutledge
  • The Face of a Hero by Linda Hayes and Kathy Stanko
  • Planning for your Lamas' Future by Kathy Stanko
  • Does labeling Define Your Perspective? by Marty McGee Bennet
  • Llama Magic by Susi Hülsmeyer-Sinay
  • Why Not Mentor? by Mary Vavrina
  • Oral Dosing Made Easy by Al Ellis
  • 2015 Camelid Jamboree by Sheila Fugina and Barb Baker


agritourism Andes Mountain barn and pasture management behavior Berserk Male Syndrome biocontainment and biosecurity birth Bolivia book review bottle feeding breeding celiotomy cestodes choke climate change coccidia cold weather colic community outreach community outreach and public relations conformation COVID cria Cryptosporidium dental diarrea Diarrhea differences digestion disaster disease distress calls driving dystocia ears ears and hearing Ear Ticks eating equipment evacuation Evacuation Plan events events fairs & shows events shows and fairs eye eyes felting female anatomy fiber fire first aid float flood giardia grazing guarding guarding and predators halter fit haltering a llama or alpaca hay testing health hearing heat safety heat stress heat stress in alpacas heat stress in llamas herd behavior and management herd management hiking history history of camelids how to catch a llama or alpaca hydrotherapy hypothermia industry history infections intestinal intestines judging knitting labor and delivery leading lesions Lewis lice llama and alpaca behavior llama and alpaca training llama ear ticks loading male anatomy manure Meloxicam mental capability mentoring mouth nematodes neonatal nutrition obstruction older animals orgling outreach packing pain pandemic parasites pasture management performance Peru poisonous plants predators pregnancy protozoa purchasing purchasing considerations rabies Rescue RMLA History RMLA library Safety scent glands shade shearing showing soil spinning stomach stomach ulcers teaching teeth trailer trailers training training expectations trichostrongylus uterine prolapse Vaccinations valley fever water weaving West Nile Virus Wry face young animals Youth youth program